DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)推進コンサルティング 株式会社アイ・ティ・イノベーション

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ご受講後に、PDUの単位を記載した修了証を発行いたします。 基本的に再発行いたしませんので、紛失なさいませんよう管理をお願い致します。 尚、修了条件を満たしていない場合は発行致しかねます。
プロジェクトマネジメントの国際資格であるPMP®資格の更新に必要なPDUが申請できるコースを開催しております。 「PDU」(Professional Development Unit)とは、承認された学習やプロフェッショナルとしてのサービス・アクティビティを定量化する計測単位です。 コース毎に発行できるPDU数、サブカテゴリが違います。下記一覧でご確認ください。


※PDUサブカテゴリ WoW:Ways of Working PS:Power Skills  BA:Business Acumen
コース名 PDU Description
超上流工程実践BA:14The course is designed to learn the process of IT conceptualization and planning stage, and the techniques and know-how for implementation, with exercises.
提案活動実践BA:14The course is designed to learn preferred procedures to make proposals, techniques to elicit requirements from customers, and estimation methods to prevent failures.
戦略立案・実行計画を学ぶ2日間BA:14The course is designed to learn the flow from business analysis to strategy planning, selection of solutions & roadmap through a case study.
戦略立案・実行計画を学ぶ3日間BA:21The course is designed to learn how to analyze the external and internal environment, think about corporate strategies, and plan IT systems to realize the strategies.
ビジネスアナリシス入門BA:6The course is designed to learn business analysis from scratch by examining approaches in various situations.
引き出し&コラボレーションBA:7.5The course is designed to learn communication skills required for system participants.
デジタルマーケティング超入門BA:3The course is designed to acquire the whole picture of “digital marketing” that should be known as the digitalization of marketing activities.
基本のマーケティングBA:7The course is designed to learn how do we get to the customer’s point of view by referring to examples of corporate failures and successes.
BtoBマーケティングBA:7The course is designed to learn universal theories and frameworks to clarify the image of your company’s customers and lead to new business acquisition, using case studies.


※PDUサブカテゴリ WoW:Ways of Working PS:Power Skills  BA:Business Acumen
コース名 PDU Description
The course is designed to learn what must be considered and decided in the requirements definition.
テストマネジメントWow:7The course is designed to learn vital points about how to process for testing in an IT project and how to do quality review.


※PDUサブカテゴリ WoW:Ways of Working PS:Power Skills  BA:Business Acumen
コース名 PDU Description
プロジェクト計画(2日)Wow:15The course is designed to learn what and how to think about importance of project planning in the planning phase, reflecting risk identification/assessment/responses, in a workshop style.
プロジェクト計画(1日)Wow:7.5The course is designed to learn what and how to think while reflecting risk identification/assessment/responses during project planning, in a workshop style.
プロジェクト推進力向上(2日)PS:14The course is designed to learn about the thoughts and actions necessary for PM, key points of monitoring QCD (quality, cost, schedule), setting goals and agreeing on the direction for members, and motivation management.
プロジェクト推進力向上(1日)PS:7The course is designed to learn about the thoughts and actions necessary for PM, setting goals and agreeing on the direction for members, and motivation management.
プロジェクト・モニタリング実践Wow:4The course is designed to learn the key points of monitoring QCD (quality, cost, schedule) and risks of a project.
パートナー連携Wow:7The course is designed to learn the key points to become a PM who can select the best partner for the project and build trusting relationships.
大規模プロジェクトの計画立案Wow:15The course is designed to learn learn what should be taken into consideration from the time of proposal activities, as well as what to keep in mind when planning a large-scale project.
大規模プロジェクトの推進Wow:8 PS:3 BA:3The course is designed to learn learn how to think and act based on common situations in large-scale projects.
プロジェクト計画入門Wow:6The course is designed to learn the WBS, which is the core of project planning, and the flow of clarifying the schedule and system based on it, through group work.
プロジェクト・コントロール入門Wow:6The course is designed to learn how to identify problems from progress reports and how to plan countermeasures through group work.
はじめてのプロジェクトマネジメントWow:6The course is an introductory and basic course for those who want to learn about project management.
営業のためのプロジェクトマネジメントWow:7.5The course is designed for salespeople to learn through exercises the key points that determine the success or failure of a project.
見積り入門Wow:7The course is designed to learn the basic concepts and methods of “initial estimation” prepared after planning an IT system.
初期見積りWow:7.5The course is designed to practical skills applicable to projects shall be cultivated through studying the key concepts to make the cost estimation more accurate at an IT project.
ウォーターフォールとアジャイル開発Wow:7The course is designed to learn the difference between Waterfall and Agile methodology, selection perspectives, and important points to be considered while making the decision.
アジャイル開発概要Wow:7The course is designed to learn ‘Agile Development Process’ using case examples.
アジャイル開発落とし穴Wow:7This course is designed to learn the principles of agile development, the causes of failure, and the concept of planning countermeasures.
チームファシリテーション実践PS:7The course is designed to learn about “team facilitation,” which is the process of running a development team independently, and acquire practical skills through workshops.


※PDUサブカテゴリ WoW:Ways of Working PS:Power Skills  BA:Business Acumen
コース名 PDU Description
思考・分析力強化PS:6The course is designed to learn the fundamentals of various thinking frameworks using real case studies.
ロールプレイで理解する交渉学PS:7.5The course provides students with the knowledge and technical skills to handle conflicts that arise in business settings with a collaborative approach.


  • Provider:IT Innovartion, Inc.
  • URL:https://www.it-innovation.co.jp/
  • Contact Person:Kazumi Seki
  • Contact Phone:+81-3-6417-0536
  • Contact Email:repacademy@it-innovation.co.jp


ITIL®ファンデーション<含認定試験> 22.5PDU(Strategic)
PM Weekly Talk
PM Weekly Talk
コンサルタントが語る「PMBOK®12 の原理・原則」